Year 3

Miss G Mellor

Class Teacher

Welcome to Year 3.. the best class in the school ;)
Year 3 children need: 
- Water bottle,
- Full school uniform,
- Packed lunch or school dinners,
- Full PE kit, including trainers and pumps,
- School reading book.
PLEASE write your child's name in all their belongings to make our life easier when a jumper is randomly found. 
Also, please ensure that ParentPay accounts are up to date not only for hot dinners, but also for snack at break.  
PE days are Monday and Friday afternoons. 
- Reading 3 times a week (record on boom reader)
- TT rockstars every night for 5-10 minutes 
- Maths in minutes and a short spelling/ English activity (sent out Wednesday and returned to school on Monday).